Post by dnoell9 on Oct 22, 2018 14:21:44 GMT -5
I have several brand new planer boards and the foam seams to have partly separated on some of them. The are way to new to discard and I feel that the got warm during the summer months and separated. Anybody know what kind of glue to use to secure them back?
Thanks Duane
Post by fillet on Oct 22, 2018 16:59:35 GMT -5
I think this will get you back in business.It's a glue you can get at Lowes made by Dap it's called weld wood contact cement in a red and black 16oz can.It says it bonds to wood and metal.I used it to make my boards two years ago still going strong .apply glue on both foam and board wait in till it's not wet to touch and you are good to go.make sure it's in the right place when you go to stick it not coming back off easy.
Post by gizzardlips on Nov 20, 2018 9:33:25 GMT -5
I'm not sure if you found a solution for your issue yet, but I recently had a similar separation of the foam on a Rock Creek planer board caused by a snag between a rock wall and a fallen tree. I contacted Tommy and asked him how to repair it. He told me to use Gorilla Glue. Specifically he said " Apply the glue. Mist it with a spray bottle. Clamp it for 2 hours. Trim the expansion of glue after a couple hours". Hope this helps.