Post by deanddavison on Apr 24, 2014 20:03:51 GMT -5
I have pics of Just a few of the Fish i caught today fishing the banks of the HARDY LAUNCH,,,, Started fishing around 2pm and ended at 7pm fished around the docks and rocks ...Started with a 2lb Channel Cat on the point then landed 7 Crappie and one weighing 2lb3oz and 2 blue gills .. Reports from other fisherman there was a general catch of bass , which alot say are going into there spawn here prob tommorrow.. and Catfish and Stripers all being caught not far from BAY ROC.. Also a 47 inch Musky was caught near the ramp yesterday .... Lots of good fishing to be had
Post by CorneliaGale on Apr 24, 2014 23:35:44 GMT -5
We, the unwilling, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, for so long, with so little, we are now qualified to do anything with nothing."